Posted by: Matt Shanahan John Lovett has an interesting post Building a Culture of Measurement. The title and content caught my eye because it was embodied a big force behind the development of Demand Rating™. As John stated in his post, “Culture consists of values, beliefs, legends, taboos and rituals that all companies develop over time.” Below are some of our values and beliefs behind Demand Rating. Scout Analytics set out to measure one of the most critical variables in sales, marketing, and product management: visitor loyalty. Our culture is marked by pursuit of an astonishingly simple measurement that has dramatic impact on results. The Demand Rating measurement was originally sparked from a book called How to Measure Anything and [...]
Demand Ranking™ – When and Where to Sleuth
Posted by: Mark Upson So when and where should you do the deep dive? Demand Rating™ and Demand Ranking™ offer insights to determine when and where analysis is warranted. Evaluating the range on Demand Ratings, the difference between the high and low, provides a uniformity measure of subscriber loyalty. In general, the tighter the range, the more uniform the subscriber loyalty is, and the more uniform the loyalty the less time should be spent comparing subscribers to each other. Outliers, however, can throw a wrench into the works by creating a big range and potentially raising unnecessary analysis. Demand Rankings increase the accuracy of a range by filtering which Demand Ratings should be included. Within a subscriber segment, the Demand [...]
Demand Rating™ in the Real World—Prospect to Customer Conversion
Posted by: Matt Shanahan In the same way that Demand Rating™ helps maximize up-selling opportunities, it can also play a critical role in prospect to customer conversion efforts and opportunities. Take for example, the freemium model where a low end version of the product or service is offered for free with hopes of converting that prospect to a subscriber of a higher end product, or the free-trial model where prospects can try the product for a specific period of time before buying. How does the organization prioritize its conversion efforts? How does it know to which prospect the product is delivering the most value? By now you know the answer. Demand Rating gives a comparable number to work from. Conversion [...]
Demand Rating™ in the Real World—Up-selling
Posted by: Matt Shanahan Up-selling is another important play in the subscription revenue optimization game. When should you run that play? Again, Demand Rating™ provides new insight, offering quantitative indicators for when sales should pursue an up-sell opportunity. Recently, we spoke to a publisher that offers a subscription service to both corporations and individuals. Corporate subscriptions are driven by a corporate sales team that sells a premier service offering, while individual subscriptions are distributed through membership in a key professional association. The publisher had a hunch that if individual subscriptions being used inside a corporation could be identified, then they could up-sell a corporate subscription. Unfortunately, the publisher had no way to quantify the potential opportunity or take advantage of [...]


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