Scout Analytics SU3 is Live

Scout Analytics Service Update 3 (SU3) went live on July 2. SU3 enhances the data collector with the following capabilities.

Device Signature
46 new data elements about the machine and browser used to access a service were added to the collector. This information is used in analytics to provide richer understanding about the number of devices accessing a service as well as the demographics associated with access.

Remember Me Login
The collector now tracks the “remember me” option on a login page. The collector will register which subscribers are using “remember me” and can provide new insight into scope and revenue risk of “remember me” functionality.

Mobile Device Login Page
The collector has been designed to detect and accommodate mobile devices that cannot support Flash. The SU3 collector will either display the Flash alternative page, or could display a mobile specific login page. The alternative page uses Javascript instead of an iframe, which is supported by a larger population of mobile devices.